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10) Paloma
Original Lismont Patrick 帕特里克.利斯蒙
Inbreed ! Half brother "Olympic Lisa" 3.National Olympic ace pigeon KBDB Maastricht & 6. National ace pigeon KBDB small middle distance 2023 & "Olympic Lisa" 3. Nat. Olympic ace pigeon KBDB & 6.Nat. ace pigeon KBDB ! 【超级回血鸽。。。“奥林匹克莉莎”半兄弟 X“奥林匹克莉莎”(24年马斯特里荷特奥林匹克B组季军、23年KBDB全国中短距离鸽王6位)】
Höchstbieter:Big77 (UNITED STATES) 200,00 € 1 Gebote Jetzt bieten
10) Sixtus
Original Esther Vereecke 艾斯特.富雷卡
Half brother "Miss Hastings" 1. National Argenton (545 km) vs. 11.295 pigeons X "Arlette" full sister "Lefty" won 7. National Argenton vs. 19.575 pigeons & 55. National Argenton vs. 22.697 pigeons ! 【(“哈斯廷斯小姐”获得:亚精顿国家赛545公里11295羽冠军)的半兄弟 X “阿莱特”(亚精顿国家赛19575羽7位、亚精顿国家赛22697羽55位“左撇子”的全姐妹)】
Höchstbieter:GoedGrijs (GERMANY) 275,00 € 5 Gebote Jetzt bieten
12) Dennis
Orignal Dirk Evenepoel 迪克.埃文波尔
Inbreed Kannibaal & Di Caprio ! "Caprio Kannibaal" son famous "Di Caprio" with inbreed Kannibaal X Orig. Dirk Van Dyck super hen from half brother "Natalia" 1. National Bourges (son Di Caprio) with daughter nest brother "Blauwe Kannibaal". 【“迪卡普里奥”“所向无敌”回血鸽。。。。(“迪卡普里奥”直子ד所向无敌”回血孙代)X(波治国家赛10141羽冠军“娜塔莉娅”半兄弟ד灰年轻所向无敌”同窝的直女)】
Höchstbieter:Melun (BELGIUM) 225,00 € 2 Gebote Jetzt bieten
13) Lena
Original Oliver Giese
"Andre" son "PIZARRO" half brother of "EVA" & "JET" ("Partick" x "Silver Dream") with "TOTA" full sister "Olympic Wolfgang" won 5 x 1. prize X "VENUS" daughter "ALEXANDER" son "Olympic Wolfgang" won 4 x 1. prize with "ANTARA" X "THE GRIJS" grand daughter "Crack 19"/"RAISSA"/"Ace 820"/"Goed Grijs" !
Starts In: Laufzeit
200,00 € Vorschau Jetzt bieten
13) Sisi
Original Esther Vereecke 艾斯特.富雷卡
Full sister "Hermia" 1. Interprovincial Vierzon fastest of 9.730 pigeons ! Half brother "Miss Hastings" 1. National Argenton (545 km) vs. 11.295 pigeons X top hen "Little Ebba" ! 【“赫米娅”(维尔宗9730羽最快分速)的全姐妹。。。。“哈斯廷斯小姐”(亚精顿国家赛545公里11295羽冠军)的半兄弟 X 顶级雌“小艾巴”】
Höchstbieter:Bourges1 (BELGIUM) 250,00 € 3 Gebote Jetzt bieten
14) Laura
Original Oliver Giese
"Andre" son "PIZARRO" half brother of "EVA" & "JET" ("Partick" x "Silver Dream") with "TOTA" full sister "Olympic Wolfgang" won 5 x 1. prize X "VENUS" daughter "ALEXANDER" son "Olympic Wolfgang" won 4 x 1. prize with "ANTARA" X "THE GRIJS" grand daughter "Crack 19"/"RAISSA"/"Ace 820"/"Goed Grijs" !
Starts In: Laufzeit
200,00 € Vorschau Jetzt bieten
14) Sally
Original Esther Vereecke 艾斯特.富雷卡
Inbreed "Dubbel 17" ! Super racer "Tommy" half brother "Miss Hastings" 1. National ! "Dubbel 17" with super hen "Miss Jane Marple" X "Hermia" 1. Interprovincial Vierzon fastest of 9.730 pigeons ! 【“双17”回血鸽。。。超级种鸽“托米”(半平辈“哈斯廷斯小姐”获得:亚精顿国家赛545公里11295羽冠军)X “赫米娅”(维尔宗9730羽最快分速)】
Höchstbieter:Yussuf (MOROCCO) 700,00 € 12 Gebote Jetzt bieten
17) Lotte
Original Oliver Giese
Total inbreed ! "ALEXANDER" breed by Wolfgang Roeper son "Olympic Wolfgang" won 5 x 1. prize with "ANTARA" mother of super hen "ANTONIA" 1. provincial vs. 1.749 pigeons X "VIKTORIA" breed by Wolfgang Roeper daughter "Olympic Wolfgang" won 5 x 1. prize with "ANTARA" mother of super hen "ANTONIA" 1. provincial vs. 1.740 pigeons !
Starts In: Laufzeit
200,00 € Vorschau Jetzt bieten
18) Lea
Original Oliver Giese
"SATURN" son "ALEXANDER" (son "Olympic Wolfgang" 5 x 1. prize x "ANTARA") with "THE GRIJS" grand daughter "Crack19"/"RAISSA"/"Ace 820"/"Goed Grijs" X "MONELLE" daughter "MONELLO" full brother "ACE 820" with "RAISSA" full sister "Olympic Wolfgang" won 5 x 1. prize !
Starts In: Laufzeit
200,00 € Vorschau Jetzt bieten
19) Lyonel
Original Oliver Giese
"SATURN" son "ALEXANDER" (son "Olympic Wolfgang" 5 x 1. prize x "ANTARA") with "THE GRIJS" grand daughter "Crack19"/"RAISSA"/"Ace 820"/"Goed Grijs" X "MONELLE" daughter "MONELLO" full brother "ACE 820" with "RAISSA" full sister "Olympic Wolfgang" won 5 x 1. prize !
Starts In: Laufzeit
200,00 € Vorschau Jetzt bieten
23) Lucca
Original Oliver Giese
"Blauer Wolf" won 3.,4.,4.,7.,9.,9.,11.,12.,12.,12.,12.,13.,15.,15.prize ! Full brother "Olympic 303" with daugther "Olympic Leo" 2. National ace cock Germany X "Blaue Wölfin" full brother "Olympic 303" with daughter "Olympic Leo" 2. National ace cock Germany !
Starts In: Laufzeit
200,00 € Vorschau Jetzt bieten