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16) Lizzy
Original Oliver Giese 奥利弗.吉斯
The best of the best "CRACKJET" Orig. Leideman Brothers son famous top breeder "Crack 19" with "JET" X "THE GRIJS" grand daughter "Crack 19"/ "RAISSA"/"Ace 820"/"Goed Grijs" ! 【超级品系鸽“好手杰特”(顶级种鸽“好手19”×阿瑟泽里克11343羽冠军“杰特”)X“花雌”(“好手19”“莱莎”“鸽王820”“好花”的孙代)】
Höchstbieter:Blauscheck (GERMANY) 950,00 € 23 Gebote Jetzt bieten
17) Lincia Kittel
Original Peter Rager 彼得.拉格
Son "Lincia" 1. National ace pigeon KBDB middle Distance Stefaan Lambrechts X daughter "Kittel" 1. National ace pigeon KBDB speed with daughter "Broer Goede Rode" with "Golden Leo 40000" ! 【“林西娅”(15年KBDB全国中短距离鸽王冠军)直子 X “基特尔”(13年KBDB全国速度幼鸽鸽王冠军)直女】
Höchstbieter:JOZEFGepigeon (BELGIUM) 375,00 € 9 Gebote Jetzt bieten
17) Lotte
Original Oliver Giese 奥利弗.吉斯
Total inbreed ! "ALEXANDER" breed by Wolfgang Roeper son "Olympic Wolfgang" won 5 x 1. prize with "ANTARA" mother of super hen "ANTONIA" 1. provincial vs. 1.749 pigeons X "VIKTORIA" breed by Wolfgang Roeper daughter "Olympic Wolfgang" won 5 x 1. prize with "ANTARA" mother of super hen "ANTONIA" 1. provincial vs. 1.740 pigeons ! 【兄妹顶级回血鸽。。。。“亚历山大”(5次冠军“奥林匹克沃尔夫冈”×1749羽冠军的母亲“安塔拉”)X“维多利亚”(“奥林匹克沃尔夫冈”ד安塔拉”)】
Höchstbieter:HP4 (SWITZERLAND) 800,00 € 20 Gebote Jetzt bieten
18) Lea
Original Oliver Giese 奥利弗.吉斯
"SATURN" son "ALEXANDER" (son "Olympic Wolfgang" 5 x 1. prize x "ANTARA") with "THE GRIJS" grand daughter "Crack19"/"RAISSA"/"Ace 820"/"Goed Grijs" X "MONELLE" daughter "MONELLO" full brother "ACE 820" with "RAISSA" full sister "Olympic Wolfgang" won 5 x 1. prize ! 【“土星”(5次冠军“奥林匹克沃尔夫冈”直子“亚历山大”×7次冠军“好花”孙代)X“莫雷尔”(“鸽王820”全兄弟“莫雷诺”ד奥林匹克沃尔夫冈”全姐妹“莱莎”)】
Höchstbieter:Alibaba (MOROCCO) 250,00 € 3 Gebote Jetzt bieten
19) Lyonel
Original Oliver Giese 奥利弗.吉斯
"SATURN" son "ALEXANDER" (son "Olympic Wolfgang" 5 x 1. prize x "ANTARA") with "THE GRIJS" grand daughter "Crack19"/"RAISSA"/"Ace 820"/"Goed Grijs" X "MONELLE" daughter "MONELLO" full brother "ACE 820" with "RAISSA" full sister "Olympic Wolfgang" won 5 x 1. prize ! 【“土星”(5次冠军“奥林匹克沃尔夫冈”直子“亚历山大”×7次冠军“好花”孙代)X“莫雷尔”(“鸽王820”全兄弟“莫雷诺”ד奥林匹克沃尔夫冈”全姐妹“莱莎”)】
Höchstbieter:Blauscheck (GERMANY) 375,00 € 8 Gebote Jetzt bieten
20) Lynn
Original Oliver Giese 奥利弗.吉斯
"Mr. Gegenwind Senior" (son "Arturo" x "Tila") with daughter "Olympic Wolfgang" 5 x 1.prize X "Agata" daughter "ARAMIS" (son "ARTURO" with "Tila") with "THE GRIJS" grand daughter "Crack 19"/"RAISSA"/"ACE 820"/"GOED GRIJS" ! 【“1248”(超级配对“阿图罗”“蒂拉”直子X 5次冠军“奥林匹克沃尔夫冈”直女)X“阿加塔”(超级配对“阿图罗”“蒂拉”直子“阿拉米斯”ד好花”孙代)】
Höchstbieter:Bigboss (GERMANY) 450,00 € 10 Gebote Jetzt bieten
21) Freddy
Original Manfred Eichenlaub 曼弗雷德.艾辛劳布
2. best cock Union Gifhorn (Orig. Wolfgang Roeper) grandson "Olympic 394" X "885" grand daughter 2. National ace cock Germany ! Son 2.National ace cock Germany with daughter "114" super cock Wolfgang Roeper ! 【联盟最佳一岁鸽亚军(2011年波兰奥林匹克亚军“奥林匹克394”)的孙代 X“885”(全国鸽王亚军“奥林匹克利奥”、“大老板直女”、协会锦标赛冠军“114”的孙代)】
Höchstbieter:Rappe (GERMANY) 200,00 € 1 Gebote Jetzt bieten
21) Loris
Original Oliver Giese 奥利弗.吉斯
"Mr. Gegenwind Senior" (son "Arturo" x "Tila") with daughter "Olympic Wolfgang" 5 x 1.prize X "Agata" daughter "ARAMIS" (son "ARTURO" with "Tila") with "THE GRIJS" grand daughter "Crack 19"/"RAISSA"/"ACE 820"/"GOED GRIJS" ! 【“1248”(超级配对“阿图罗”“蒂拉”直子X 5次冠军“奥林匹克沃尔夫冈”直女)X“阿加塔”(超级配对“阿图罗”“蒂拉”直子“阿拉米斯”ד好花”孙代)】
Höchstbieter:Stahlblauer (GERMANY) 303,00 € 7 Gebote Jetzt bieten
22) Livia
Original Oliver Giese 奥利弗.吉斯
"Spätherbst" late breed from grandson "ARTURO" with "THE GRIJS" grand daughter "Crack 19"/"RAISSA"/"ACE 820"/"GOED GRIJS" X "Späte Blaue" late breed from "SULTAN" with "MONELLE" daughter "RAISSA" ! 【“深秋”(超级配对“阿图罗”“蒂拉”的孙代ד好花”孙代)X“深灰”(“苏尔坦”ד莱莎”直女“莫雷尔”)】
Höchstbieter:Milan81 (CROATIA) 325,00 € 6 Gebote Jetzt bieten
22) Olympic Wolf
Original Wolfgang Roeper 沃尔夫冈.罗佩
Son key cock "1201" with daughter "Olympia 303" 4. National ace cock Germany & Olympic ace pigeon Germany X daughter "Olympic Leo" 1. National ace cock Germany with "Vuile Rossi" Leo Heremans " 【(沃尔夫冈基础种鸽“1201”×全国鸽王4位、奥林匹克中距离季军“奥林匹克303”的直女)X(全国鸽王亚军、奥林匹克全能冠军“奥林匹克利奥”×利奥“罗西”直女“灰罗西”)】
Höchstbieter:Rappe (GERMANY) 250,00 € 3 Gebote Jetzt bieten
23) Lucca
Original Oliver Giese 奥利弗.吉斯
"Blauer Wolf" won 3.,4.,4.,7.,9.,9.,11.,12.,12.,12.,12.,13.,15.,15.prize ! Inbreed half brother "Olympic 303" with daugther "Olympic Leo" 2. National ace cock Germany X "Blaue Wölfin" full brother "Olympic 303" with daughter "Olympic Leo" 2. National ace cock Germany ! 【超级赛鸽“灰狼”(本身获得:3.,4.,4.,7.,9.,9.,11.,12.,12.,12.,12.,13.,15.,15位。。。“奥林匹克303”回血孙代×全国鸽王亚军“奥林匹克利奥”直女)X"灰沃尔芬"(“奥林匹克303”回血孙代×全国鸽王亚军“奥林匹克利奥”的直女)】
Höchstbieter:Blauscheck (GERMANY) 275,00 € 4 Gebote Jetzt bieten
23) Wesley
Original Garhammer Brieftauben 加哈默鸽舍
Son 2. National ace cock Germany & 1. Olympic ace pigeon Germany with daughter "Big Boss" 1. National ace cock Germany X daughter "616" son "Wonderaske" with daughter "Olympia 246" Wolfgang Roeper ! 【(2023年尼特拉奥林匹克全能组冠军、2012年德国区全国雄鸽鸽王亚军“奥林匹克利奥”×2012年全国中距离鸽王冠军、2013年尼特拉奥林匹克B组冠军“大老板”直女)X(利奥.贺尔曼“神奇鸽后”直子×2009年多特蒙德奥林匹克亚军“奥林匹克246”直女)】
200,00 € 0 Gebote Jetzt bieten
24) Lauro
Original Oliver Giese 奥利弗.吉斯
Super breeder "HELDO" Orig. Leideman Brothers son "BODO" (Ace 820 x "Sia") with top hen "Helen" grand daughter "Ace 820" & full sister "Bert" (Eijerkamp") 11. National ace WHZB 2019 X "Grace" Orig. Leideman Brothers daughter "Olympic Wolfgang" 5 x 1. prize with "Eveline" ! 【“赫尔多”(“鸽王820”ד斯亚”X2019年WHZB全国鸽王11位“贝特”的全姐妹)X“格蕾丝”(“奥林匹克沃尔夫冈”获得:5次冠军)】
Höchstbieter:Magdi24 (PORTUGAL) 490,00 € 13 Gebote Jetzt bieten
25) Laos
Original Oliver Giese 奥利弗.吉斯
Super Star "Schneller Wolfgang" won 4 x 1. prize ! Son from Son "Olympic Leo" 2. National ace cock Germany with daughter "Olympia 16" Orig. Leo Heremans 7. National ace cock Germany X "Hermine" Orig. Leideman Brothers from grandson "Olympic Leo" won 3 x 1. prize with sister "Bolt" with daughter "Olympia 16" was 7. ace cock Germany ! 【超级回血鸽。。。超级之星“斯奈尔沃尔夫冈”4次冠军(2012年全国鸽王亚军、3次冠军“奥林匹克利奥”直子×全国鸽王7位、3次冠军“奥林匹克16”直女)X“赫尔米娜”(“奥林匹克利奥”孙代ד奥林匹克16”直女)】
Höchstbieter:Inge77 (GERMANY) 325,00 € 7 Gebote Jetzt bieten
26) Livio
Original Oliver Giese
Super Star "Schneller Wolfgang" won 4 x 1. prize ! Son from son "Olympic Leo" 2. National ace cock Germany with daugther "Olympia 16" Orig. Leo Heremans /7.National ace cock Germany X "Hermine" Orig. Leideman Brothers from grandson "Olmypic Leo" won 3 x 1. prize with sister "Bolt" with daughter "Olympic 16"was 7. National ace cock Germany !
Höchstbieter:Milan81 (CROATIA) 475,00 € 13 Gebote Jetzt bieten
Original Debusschere Roger 罗杰.狄布喜
Inbreed ! Grandson famous "DEN AD" 1. National ace pigeon KBDB & "EXTREEM" 2. National ace pigeon KBDB X grand daughter "DEN AD" 1. National ace pigeon KBDB & "EXTREEM" 2. National ace pigeon KBDB ! 【回血鸽。。。(KBDB全国鸽王冠军“艾迪”和KBDB全国鸽王亚军“特优号”的孙代)X(KBDB全国鸽王冠军“艾迪”和KBDB全国鸽王亚军“特优号”的孙代)】
250,00 € Stk. Jetzt kaufen